BASE Weblog
BASE im Knowlegde Exchange Report - oder: warum betreiben wir BASE?
Im aktuellen KE Report "Sustainability of Open Access Services" ist auf Seite 38 zu lesen:
"As well as this, some libraries are service providers (or, in some
cases, service sponsors) in their own right.
Libraries may do this because there is a clear advantage to them in
terms of recognition, impact, esteem and
reputation and in some cases they can charge other libraries for
on-going support and maintenance of services. It
helps to understand some of the ways that they are sustaining these
services. A good example is Bielefeld
University Library, which developed and supports the BASE search engine
and considers it a strategic investment
that helps brand the library, has positive networking effects and may
assist in bringing in grant funding. The
expertise gained through developing such a service is also valuable and
can be used to underpin other innovative
developments in the library. The data collected by BASE is of monetary
value to library suppliers and may be
exchanged for cash, discounts or other benefits. The Library’s
philosophy is to give away its services to those
who also give theirs away (for example, reciprocal relationships with
RepEc and DOAJ), but to charge commercial
Dank an Alma Swan für die treffende Beschreibung.